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Event/Program Spotlight

Roanoke Region Professional Events Calendar is Live

The new self-populating, always-updated regional calendar will pull in your events automatically.

The new self-populating, always-updated regional calendar will pull in your events automatically.

The new self-populating, always-updated Roanoke Regional calendar will pull in your events automatically, the caveat being your event must be available online event with a unique url. But if you don’t have that, we can still add them manually.

View the video below to learn more about adding your events to our calendar, using the navigation tools, submitting your internal url for scraping, or promoting events via the portal.

All regional partners and investors of the Roanoke Regional Partnership are eligible for FREE event promotions related to professional development, careers, networking, livability, and placemaking. Just let our staff know, and we’ll help you spread the word.

Request a Custom Widget

If you’re looking for a way to feature events in your neighborhood, at your venue, or related to your category (i.e. regional biking-related events or career fairs), then you can benefit from our portal! Again, it’s totally free. We can even change the colors to better match your branding or website.

The widgets are custom-made and can be anything from a small square in a sidebar, to a horizontal footer, or a full three-row grid (see sample below). There are 10 different layouts we can create. You can edit the title for your venue (Below it’s labeled “Roanoke Region Event Calendar”), you can edit the central point it searches from, and you can only include only the categories you wish.

Example: If you were an arts organization in Salem, Virginia and you wanted to showcase all the arts-related events and make Salem the center of the search. Then we could create a widget that only featured visual, performing, and fine arts. We could set the center of the search to a specific address or to an area. Once created, you just paste the code into your website, and BOOM, you have a unique web calendar.