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Event/Program Spotlight

Q1 Social Rolled 200 Deep

Screenshots from our post-event reel.

Roanoke Regional Professionals Network Rolled 200 Deep at First Social of 2023

Mild spring weather, a new venue, and regional excitement—these were the makings of a successful Roanoke Regional Professional Network social. Around 200 people joined Get2KnowNoke and fellow regional professionals at Fire Station One and Stock Café (Check out its recent feature in Garden & Gun Magazine).

Attendees wore nametags donning their current podcast or streaming obsessions, favorite fictional character, or favorite place in the region. They could sip and shop Txtur or tour the new boutique hotel.

The room was buzzing with conversation and excitement, and those that preregistered were entered to win a Cotapaxi cooler. “Networking can often be considered a dirty word, but simply put—networking means building connections,” Julia Boas, Roanoke Regional Partnership director of talent strategies (and leader of the Get2KnowNoke brand). “In a community like ours, there are endless ways we can lift each other up and support each other’s missions in a symbiotic way.”

These events are an integral part of Get2KnowNoke’s mission—bring and keep top-tier talent here in the Roanoke Region. The best way to do that is to create a “stickiness” within the region by building social connections. Studies show that those relationships are what make people feel the most connected to a place. When you feel like you belong, you’re an advocate, ambassador, and evangelist for the community.

And this was a great start. People around the room were excited just to be there. “This was a room full of friendly people who were just so excited about Roanoke. No agendas, no quid-pro-quos. Just genuine kindness and enthusiasm for all the wonderful things we have going on here!” said Kelly Brammer, one of the attendees.

“Tonight wasn’t all about exchanging business cards and making small talk. It was a chance to connect with like-minded people, build authentic relationships, and hear valuable perspective,” RRPN member Nolan Hamilton said. “There was a lot of excitement around Julia re-joining the Partnership, and there was a renewed energy at the event. It was very inclusive, and I walked away feeling more connected to our region and peers.”

What do we do with this renewed enthusiasm?  

Boas is big on feedback loops, so she’ll be reaching out in the future to keep her finger on the pulse of the state of talent. She also hopes people will reach out to her with things they’d like to see, gaps they notice in the region’s offerings for professional services, or new ways to collaborate.

The next quarter’s social is already being planned for June, so be on the lookout for that, and Get2KnowNoke hopes to host a Brewery by Bike tour in May to celebrate bike month! To stay in the loop, please make sure you’re signed up to receive Get2KNowNoke emails and join the RRPN group on LinkedIn. We’ve got something special going here, and we’re going to do great things!